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Take the next step by contacting us via phone, email or by filling out our online enquiries form. There’s no pressure or obligation. Whether you’re looking to let, rent, sell or buy, we’re here to support and guide you every step of the way.
Jane Coates:
Suzanne Langford:
Registered Address: Keypad Properties LLP, Arquen House, 4-6 Spicer Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 4PQ
Company registration number: OC395679
Free valuations
If you’re thinking of letting and would like a rental valuation or you’re thinking of selling and would like to find out how much your property is worth, please complete our online enquiries form below.Contact details
Tel: 01727 226890Jane Coates:
Suzanne Langford:
Registered Address: Keypad Properties LLP, Arquen House, 4-6 Spicer Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 4PQ
Company registration number: OC395679